<span>carelessness of the novel's characters</span>
Drake should do the following for his hearing request :
Submit the original hearing request to:
The Department of Environmental Protection or Office of Legal Affairs
To request an adjudicatory hearing to contest an administrative order, the violator shall submit a hearing request in writing within 35 calendar days after receipt by the violator of the administrative order and/or the notice of a civil administrative penalty assessment being contested. If a violator submits the hearing request after this time, the Department shall deny the request.
Some of those who were enslaved and transported in the transatlantic slave trade were people from Central and West Africa that had been sold by other West Africans to Western European slave traders, while others had been captured directly by the slave traders in coastal raids;[2] Europeans gathered and imprisoned the enslaved at forts on the African coast and then brought them to the Americas
She describe the cruelty in her famous novel Une Toms Cabin and thought it was terrible. She experienced and seen slavery because hecause her house was near a slave plantation