The organism or product that is being described in the sentence
above is chalk. This is the product that is formed with the use of the remains
of calcium carbonate. It has a mineral calcite and useful for writing or
drawing in smooth and writable surfaces.
Sediment builds up over organisms.
If I am correct it is The Third Trimester
Its false because lobsters have swimmerets as well and they dont use them only for swimming
(CFCs) chemicals contain carbon, chlorine and fluorine and is t so expensive at
the same time it’s not flammable, the reason why it is mainly used in business
such as refrigerators and plastics. However, these chemicals destroys our
stratosphere, the second layer of the Earth’s atmosphere and protects us by
blocking the ultraviolet radiation (UV Light). This type of radiation can seep
through organisms skins and can leave destructive effects on DNA molecules
which will also cause skin cancer.</span>