The Iconoclast controversy caused the banning of religious icons in Christianity and the killing of supporters of the veneration of icons. The iconoclast controversy happened twice during the Byzantine Empire. This impacted the growing divergence between Western and Eastern Christian traditions, but the Western Church stood firmly with the belief that icons could be used, but the Church was still unified at the time.
As the North industrialized rapidly between 1820 and 1860, railroads helped create --and prospered from -- the rise of factory production and diversified large-scale agriculture. In the South, railroads played a marginal role in the cotton and tobacco economy.
When World War II was over it came to light that the military had rejected over half of the men who were drafted or had given them lighter duties, because they were not fit enough for combat. The United States began to realize it needed to focus more on fitness. A researcher by the name of Thomas K. Cureton began to study exercise and fitness. He conducted many experiments and was able to establish a set of guidelines for maintaining fitness.
I think Africa or America. Thinking about slavery and trade.
Right to freedom
Right to life
Right to the pursuit of happiness
The right to freedom is where Thomas focuses and manages to describe in a philosophical way that man is free by nature and that no state or government can give or take away that right, it is a natural state which cannot be removed by any law.
The right to life is the right of birth given by God and that the whole society must unite so that it continues, nobody has the right to remove it or give it only the same nature
To seek happiness without leading to the total anarchy of the human being, man has a purpose and a reason for life that he must seek without affecting the general society and must have clear objectives in order to achieve his natural objective of existence