This late Victorian alphabet, written and illustrated by Mary Frances Ames (writing as Mrs. Ernest Ames), aims to teach young Britons their ABCs — along with a veneration for military might, empire, and colonialism. At the end of the 19th century, the British Empire was nearing the zenith of its empire and territorial holdings. With unchallenged naval superiority, Britain extended formal control over India and large swaths of Africa, as well as indirect economic control over many more nations. That global hegemony is celebrated in this children’s book, with racist illustrations of tiger hunts in India, “naughty” Africans in chains, and fearsome displays of military power to excite the next generation of conquerors. It also includes classic British icons such as roast beef and unicorns.
What did our Victorian forebears think of their country, the empire, the army and navy, the life they led and, of course, their beloved Queen? Hundreds of mighty tomes have been written about the great colonial years when Britain ruled the waves but perhaps none summed it up so succinctly as this ABC for Baby Patriots first published in 1899. Was it written to instil patriotic and imperial values into children? After all, the great Empire builder Cecil Rhodes had said 'Remember that you are an Englishman and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life'; or was it a disapproving tongue in cheek comment on jingoism? You must judge for yourself. Either way it provides an extraordinary view of the Victorian values and attitudes that made Britain great.
They ran aground off the coast of Alaska, spilling 11 million gallons of crude oil into the waters of Prince William Sound and creating one of the worst oil spills in American history.
I believe his separation of powers theory was the foundation for the U.S. Constitution. Not sure how long it was included but that's all I know.
The correct option is D
<span>They do not usually lessen competition in the marketplace.</span>
Vertical and conglomerate mergers do not usually lessen competition in the market. This is because conglomerate and vertical involves merging of unrelated product firms. With horizontal mergers however, merging involves firms producing similar products thus lessening competition.
They all wanted to paint the ideal human form in it's perfection. They believed that understanding the human anatomy would help them with this.