"Realism" is the right approach.
Realism seems to be an artistic expression that always enables us to create pictures that look as realistic as well as historically accurate when conceivable.
- Personally believe about common parasitic, landmarks, and somehow still daily existence paintings.
- Its own primary goal would have been to actively search out what should be known as fantastic as well as intimate throughout art and philosophy, to embed what's authentic.
Americans were unfamiliar with the territories of Vietnam and ended up having to search manually, house by house, allowing the Viet Cong to dig escape tunnels and snipe American soldiers.
The war effort demanded developments in the field of science and technology, developments that forever changed life in America and made part in World War II and were of such importance that some historians have claimed that radar. One such example was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) Not only does war cripple the economy and politics, but on a deeper level, it taints society and forever alters the cultural identity of those people. They are forced to migrate for the sake of their safety and a better future, carrying their culture with them, but in the process altering it. In short, World War II and the popular culture of that era are ... anxiety in America about the war and how it might affect their lives. In 1939, for example, Warner Brothers released the movie Confessions of a Nazi Spy
<span>1. How did geography spur industrialization in the Northeast?
</span>B. Swift rivers provided power for machines.
2. As agriculture became entrenched in the South, B. the South became too dependent on one crop, limiting development.