Peer pressure:the National Institute of drug abuse reports that peers have a large influence on drug abuse in behaviours
The most helpful member of the surgical team in addressing the client's concern is the doctor performing the procedure.
Legally all questions and concerns, by the patien, should be addressed by the surgeon (or doctor performing the procedure).
B. Low-effort Syndrome
Low-effort syndrome is <u>characterized by a refusal to put an effort or work hard to achieve something.</u> People with this syndrome have unusually low levels of motivation, not only on intelligence tests, but in tests overall because they are afraid of the results, which would probably be low due to the lack of effort.
In turn, these <u>people often state that tests are unimportant for life and claim to have a desire of having an 'easy' life</u>. However, all of this is a consequence of their fear of failure.
Its most likely for a urinal problem or erectile dysfunction
Yes you should. They would know what to do