Students must first have good general writing skills in a language before than can do academic writing. Academic writing requires a higher-than-average vocabulary and use of language.
But the next most valuable thing is to give them a clear format to follow. In many ways, academic writing follows a fairly strict format.
When the red ant slips inside the turtle's shell, the turtle withdrew its head, and limbs into the shell, thus crushing the ant.
The turtle stopped its voyage to rest, when all of a sudden, an ant crawled inside its shell, which bothered the turtle. This is why it decided to kill the ant, and just keep on walking afterwards, as if nothing happened at all. The ant is not mentioned anymore in the story because it is irrelevant.
Ne demek istoyusun anlamadım derslerinde başarılar dilerim
here did it happen?
2. What was the weather like? Who was there? What were they doing?
3. What went wrong?
4. What surprising event happened? Who was there? What were they doing?
5. Did the story have a happy or sad ending?