The American Revolution was a time when the British colonists in America rebelled against the rule of Great Britain. There were many battles fought and the colonies gained their freedom and became the independent country of the United States. The American Revolutionary War lasted from 1775 until 1783.
They were too large and expensive - typically a computer would fill a room and would have to have its own power supply.
B. Plantation owners started to prefer slave labor over indentured servants.
The limits that human remains such as skeletons have as sources of historical information are:
- Physical condition of the bones; usually the older, the more fragile and more difficult to study.
- The completeness of the skeleton. Usually, skeletons are found incomplete for a number of reasons (anticipated decay of some bones, scavenging animals taking several bones away, etc.) and the more complete, the better.
- The information that can be extracted from bones usually limits to: a) the dead person's physical features (height, physical build, gender, etc.); b) evidence of several diseases and/or trauma (injuries breaking bones), c) facial traits (through skull forensic reconstruction) and d) racial group, diet, evidence of toxins through study of he teeth.
The 369th Infantry Regiment, "Harlem Hellfighters," were a unit made of African Americans (to be PC) and were well known for their ferociousness in battle. They fought in both WW1 and WW2, and they spent the most time in combat in WW1 than any other unit (remember, America joined the war in 1917!)
Their effect on the war effort couldn't be understated, that even the Germans acknowledged them, referring to them as "Höllenkämpfer" (German for Hell Fighters) and earned the nickname "Men of Bronze" by the French (Hommes de Bronze).