They are examples of hormones
<u>Answer:Although majority makes decision in democracy , the opinion of minority should not be neglected because of following reasons</u>:
- democracy is for all ,decision should be done without any discrimination .
- In democracy decision should need to make inclusively.
- minority have rights to say their feeling ,needs and conditions.
- As minority too are educated and rational.
- minority empowers communities and promotes the exercise of individual freedoms.
- Minority gives pressure to majority to make a good decision.
B. The government could reduce corporate tax rates for service and retail companies.
The accumulation of technological capital and knowledge are considered factors that generate increase in the productivity of firms and the economy as a whole. Thus, all policies that encourage the training of labor, as well as the technological development of firms are considered policies conducive to economic growth. Scholarships, patent incentives, and research support fit this type of incentive. However, the mere reduction of fees charged by firms cannot be considered an incentive policy from the perspective of growth theory that considers the accumulation of knowledge as the main aspect of development. Tax reduction is a simple tax policy aimed at increasing firms' competitiveness and increasing sales, but it is not associated with the process of scientific and technological development, as it does not involve the diffusion of knowledge.
The correct answer is B) Miriam Ferguson
I really hope this helps
To capitulate means to finally agree to do something you did not want to do in the first place. Usually, that agreement comes after consulting with other team members.
An army can capitulate to another army in a conflict when it cannot longer have any chance to defeat its opponent.
The answer to the question is false because, to capitulate or surrender means exactly the opposite to stand firm. Sometimes, you can capitulate under certain conditions or terms, which can be negotiated and in other times, you can capitulate or surrender completely outright.
After the United Sates lunched two atomic bombs in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, The Japanese surrendered to the United states unconditionally. In other words, they capitulated thus avoiding any more lost of life.