Select the correct answer. Which is the correct MLA format for citing an online newspaper article? A. Chessington, John. “The Ma
rks of a True Leader.” The Daily Update. 5 Jan. 2014. Web. 29 March 2015. B. “The Marks of a True Leader.” John Chessington. The Daily Update. January 5, 2014. Leadership Council. C. The Daily Update. January 5, 2014. http:www.dailyupdate/marksofaleader. D. Chessington, John. http:www.dailyupdate/ The Daily Update. January 5, 2014. Leadership Council. “The Marks of a True Leader.”
The most basic entry for an MLA website has the author name(s), page title, website title, sponsoring institution/publisher, date published, and the URL. Format: Author's Last name, First name. "Title of Individual Web Page." Title of Website, Publisher, Date, URL.