The total product cost per unit under absorption costing is: $75.
In absorption costing, the cost of every unit produced is worked out by adding up the direct cost of materials, direct labor, variable overhead, and the fixed overhead. Unlike in the case of marginal costing where the fixed cost is treated as period cost, in absorption costing, fixed cost is treated as a product cost.
The cost per unit
Direct material 28
Direct labor 24
Variable overhead 10
Fixed cost 13
Cost per unit 75
Cost of Inventory
Number of units = 1000
Cost per unit = $75
Value = 1000 * $75 = $75,000
Learn more about absorption costing
The college student loan burden is second only to mortgages in consumer debt In the United States. The government estimates that some 41 million students together owe more than $1.2 trillion. In North Carolina, what is the relationship between student loan debt and the tuition/fees that the students pay? After obtaining data for 14 four-year universities in the State University System of North Carolina (data for Elizabeth City State University and Winston Salem State University were not available), suppose we assume a simple linear modelyi= β0+ β1xi+ εito describe this relationship, where xi is the academic year tuition/fees at school In i
and yi is the average student loan debt of graduates of school i, i = 1, ..., 14. Shown below are summary statistics for the 14 schools.
NB: please check the attached document for complete work.
Mayonnaise is delicious, agree? Yes indeed.
It depends what for... but If its really important, u would say 50,000