When the founding father of the Republic of China died, some mourned him, while others condemned him. The South China Morning Post weighed the arguments and delivered its own judgment
It was "C Presidents Lincoln and Johnson" who wanted Reconstruction policy to be the most forgiving of the former Confederate states, since they wanted the nation to heal as quickly as possible.
an inferiority complex consistes of feelings of not measuring up to standards, a doubt and uncertainty about oneself, and lack of self esteem
The world war I caused a huge stock market collapse and bank failures which majorly lead to the Great depression.
- As we all know that the world war I started in the year 1914 and lasted till 1918. Though Americans evolved as the winner of the world war I, it completely collapsed their economic status and created a major economic crisis all over the nation.
- Most of the people were left unemployed and also lead to income insecurity.
- This great depression began in 1929 and lasted till the end of 1930 and finally came to an end because of the world war II.
- This world war II offered war job to the unemployed citizens by sending them to the war.
Thus the Americans finally overcame the great depression.
Commerce boomed One of the most important changes Charlemagne made was abandoning the gold standard and putting all of Europe on the same silver currency. Trade became easier and the continent prospered, aided by laws that took some power away from the nobles and let the peasantry participate in commerce.