In capitalism the majority economics decisions are taken by the markets, there is economic agents which take its own economic decisions in function on its benefits. The activity of the State is limited to some areas.
In socialism the objective is the society, all the economics activities are in function of the society. Here the State has the control of majority of economic activities but there is private economic activities regulated by the State. Many intellectuals do not see the socialism like an economic system else like a transition to communism. Today there is not socialist economies and someone confuses this system with that capitalist economies with an elevated level of social security, so many says France is a socialism economy, this is not true.
In the communism, the State control all the activities of the people: economic, social, political, cultural, etc. The individuals decisions are not valid and there is not property.
The right answer is Immediately following World War I the economy in the United States Prospered.
The United States emerged from the Second World War as the world’s pre-eminent military and economic power. While much of Europe and Asia struggled to recover from the horrific devastation of the war, the United States emerged unscathed, its economic infrastructure intact and operating at peak efficiency. In 1945, the United States produced half of the world’s manufactured goods. American capitalism not only demonstrated its economic strength after the war, but it also became a dominant force around the world as well. The decades following 1945 were an “American Age” not only because of the nation’s military power but also because of the global influence of American capitalism and consumerism.
The Cold War was a conflict that lasted for decades between the communist countries of the world, led by the Soviet Union, and the non-communist countries of the world, led by the United States. It was a conflict in which both sides tried to dominate the world with their ideology. It is called “cold” because it was not an actual “shooting war” between the US and the USSR.
The Soviet Union was a communist country. Communists believed that their ideology was superior to that of the democratic, capitalistic countries of the West. They believed that communism would eventually take over the world and they wanted to speed that process as much as they could.
The United States was strongly opposed to communism. It felt that communism was economically inefficient and that it trampled on people’s fundamental human rights. For these reasons, it wanted to prevent the spread of communism.
After the end of WWII, the Cold War started. The US and the USSR tried to influence other countries to take their side. Sometimes, wars ended up being fought, as they were in Korea and Vietnam, to try to prevent the spread of communism. At other times, the competition between the two ideologies took the form of athletic competition or competition to land a man on the moon. The purpose of such competition was to show which side had a superior system.
The Cold War ended in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed.
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