False, the growth of an organism is the result of cells multiplying.
Shortage of nutrients in an ecosstem can harm an organism because when nutrients are scarse or very limited for organism and did not meet up with the organism requirements, there will be reduced metabolism and this can cause malfunction. Shortage of nutrients can lead to decline in growth and can lead to spring up of some diseases in the organism because enough nutrients us not available for good metabolic processes and fight diseases.
For example when an organism is deficient in vitamins and carbohydrates, the organism will not have energy to power metabolic processes and for it's activities and vitamins deficient will make the organism not to have the ability to fight against disease.
Too much of nutrients also affect organisms negatively. When there is much build up of nutrients, it can be harmful to the organisms and restrict metabolic processes.
For example too much of nutriwnts like too much of fat can block blood artieries and veins and thus can lead to inability of blood to flow .
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b) Type II helpers have greater inclusive fitness than Type I helpers