I would replace it with cannabis, everyone is happier when there is green :)
The correct answer is D
Compensating balance is the balance which is to be minimum amount that is to maintained or kept in the bank account, so that could be used to offset the cost incurred by the bank for setting up the loan.
It is that balance which is not available for the company to use and might be needed to disclose in the notes of the borrower in the financial statements.
So, it is a specific kind of collateral, allow bank to monitor payment practice of firms and require to have a minimum amount that borrower need to keep in the checking account.
d. $96,914
Parker Co. can execute money market hedge in following steps:
(1) Parker Co. pledges Receivable of SF200,000 to borrow SF190,476 with rate 5% in Switzerland; SF190,476 = SF200,000/ (1+5%)
so it has to pay interest expense of SF9,524 in 360 days. The receivable of SF200,000 is enough for both principal and interest in 360 days.
(2) Then it sells SF190,476 at spot rate $0.48 to get $91,428
(3) Then it deposits $91,428 in US with rate 6% to get back $96,914 in 360 days
; $96,914 = $91,428 * (1+6%)
Select Sales Companies offer of shares of stock in itself to anyone who is willing to pay $60 per share is a public offering. A public offering is the offering of securities of a company to the public. Generally, the securities are to be listed on a stock exchange. Businesses usually go public to raise capital in hopes of expanding.