What is the main theme of this passage? The Twins May and Janet were twins, but they were very different from each other. May wa
s pretty, smart, and got good grades at school. Janet wasn’t as pretty, but she had a heart of gold. May’s appearance and intelligence made her quite arrogant. She was often rude and mean to others. This attitude made people want to stay away from her. Janet, on the other hand, was well liked. People appreciated her kind and generous nature. She was willing to step forward and help those in need. As a result, she had many more friends than her sister. May could not understand Janet’s popularity in school. One day, she asked their mother the reason behind it. “I am smarter and prettier than Janet,” May said. “Yet people always prefer her over me. Why is that?” “Isn’t the answer obvious?” Her mother replied. “Being smart and pretty is not how people make friends. You need to be kind and giving toward others. People will only treat you the way you treat them. Janet treats people with respect. And she doesn’t put them down. That is why people are so fond of her.” It was a bitter blow for May, but she soon realized that her mother was right. The next day, she tried to be nice to Janet and her friends. Before she knew it, she had become a part of their group. A. Sisters reflect each other’s deepest fears and insecurities. B. If you are kind to people, they will be kind to you in return. C. It’s necessary to always work hard and be the best at everything. D. Being the smartest and prettiest of all is the most important thing.
May realized that if she started to be nice to others, they would be nice back. Before , she was mean to others, which made people want to stay away from her.