I am a Christian. I have been to many different churches in many different states. In every church they have different morals and different ways of teaching. In my faith we are called to be disciples and to make disciples yet many people choose to ridicule you and gossip when they are Christians and they go to the same church. Their are questions of how can Christianity can be Monotheistic when we believe that the holy spirit and Jesus are just as great as the father (God) Their is some debate as to if Jesus was who he said he was and if he was how can he be human and son of God. Their is differences of when/ if he will come again differences of when earth will be destroyed Differences of if heaven exists or not Differences about hell and if it is underground or not Differences in laws in the Bible and the different versions. If the old laws should still apply in today's society or not. And if we even have to listen to a book and do what it says. Some say it is irrelevant.
structural functionalism is a framework for building theory that sees society as a system whose different part cometogether to promote unity and stability,thus to study the specific role that religion plays in maintaining societal well-being in a particular group of people, structural functionalism is employed.