William J. Anderson did not have a good, his mother were free and his father were a slave too. When his father died his mother sold him. His "master" was not a good person, he liked to read, but that man did not liked, he kicked him. The other master was not good either, did terrible things to him. He were sold for another one. After that he was in jail for helping other slaves, he was released as a free man.
John Brown was born as a slave, his "slave" name was Fed. He was sold for a man that called savage, he did terrible things, abused physically of him for years, and did the same with all slaves. After some times trying he was able to escape, and used the name of John Brown.
Eve if the life of a slave was not easy for both men and women, for women was not just about physically abuse, women were used and brutally raped. The John's mother was obligated to marry with another man. Unfortunately, women suffered in a terrible way.