An autoimmune disorder occurs when the body sees it's own cells as foreign antigens and begins to attack them.
The treatment depends on the particular autoimmune disorder; however, the mainstay of treatment is the use of IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE MEDICATION. Examples include corticosteroids (such as prednisone) and nonsteroid drugs such as azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, mycophenolate, sirolimus, or tacrolimus.
Antibiotic resistance happens when an antibiotic lost its ability in controlling or killing bacterial growth. At this moment the bacteria are already resistant to the antibiotic and are multiplying even though the drug is present. This is a natural phenomenon.
7. A and D are the most similar meaning they have similar DNA.
8. B and E will have the mutated gene that causes baldness.
When i get examination i get nervous
C) Re-do the measurements, several times, and take the average density before making a decision.
For the correct identification of the metal, weather its nickel or copper, Carl should repeat the experiment several times and take the average density before making the decision. It is important because it reduces the chance of error and ensure the data integrity. The more the sample size is, lessen would be the error.