Grecia es en escencia un conjunto de penínsulas con geografía muy irregular, debido a la enorme cantidad de pequeñas penínsulas, itsmos, y montañas que tiene ésta región. Al mismo tiempo, Grecia se encuentra al frente del Mar Egeo, el cual está lleno de islas, desde algunas que tienen un tamaño considerable como Creta, a otras que son muy pequeñas como Mikonos.
La presencia de islas representó para los antiguos griegos la insularización de su cultura, ésto quiere decir que si bien los griegos se reconocían a sí mismos como parte de un conjunto más o menos cohesionado, al mismo tiempo, convivían con grandes diferencias entre sí precisamente debido a lo irregular de la geografía, a que la comunicación entre islas es más complicada que en un espacio continuo de tierra firme. Éste tipo de geografía promovió entonces la desintegración política, la diversidad cultural, e incluso, la beligerancia entre los diferentes pueblos y ciudades estado griegas de la épica.
Carroll v. United States, 267 U.S. 132 (1925), was a decision by the United States Supreme Court that upheld the warrantless searches of an automobile, which is known as the automobile exception. The case has also been cited as widening the scope of warrantless search.
Berlin--communism was contained by splitting the city of Berlin between East and West instead of allowing the capital city to fall under the control of the USSR
Korea--the US with the United Nations partitioned Korea into North and South with the North under the influence of the USSR and the South under the influence of the West. The advance of the North was prevented and the partition remained following the Korea War.
Cuba--though Cuba became a communist nation, the US attempted overthrows and potentially an assassination of the communist leader Fidel Castro. When the USSR attempted to put missiles in Cuba, the US was able to negotiate and prevent the missiles.
Sorry, I only have 3 reasons but I hope it still helps!!
1. Immigrants came to the United States because they wanted religious and political freedom for better living opportunities and to escape wars. 2. The immigrants adopted some American cultures; Americans adopted some immigrant cultures. 3. People immigrate for many reasons, some of which include economic or political reasons, family reunification, natural disasters, or the desire to change one's surroundings. Immigration can represent an expansion of the supply of labor in the host country.
Best of luck!!!