The primary objective of Apollo 11 was to complete a national goal set by President John F. Kennedy on May 25, 1961: perform a crewed lunar landing and return to Earth.
Don’t plagiarize. That’s how you get kicked out of school
conclusion and resolution are synonyms.
The novel's structure consists of three parts organised around a <em>mise en abîme</em>, which means that there is a story within the story.
The first and third parts, which frame the main story, are reflections about spirituality and the relativity of truth rather than a narration of events. They enable the narrator to address his readers more directly. However, during the second and biggest part, the narrator relinquishes his hindsight and lets the character speak as the story unfolds. This is a way to make the events more impactful, more vivid, because it gives the impression that they are being told in the moment by the very person who lived them.
What’s the passage for the questionnnnnnnnn