I can't really give you two paragraphs but one (and probably the biggest) thing was democracy. Democracy is the 'everyone gets a fair vote' and the Romans had originally started that system. After the Roman empire fell apart, the system was completely forgotten until the USA became its own country.
Another thing that we took from the Romans is archetecture. (<-- spelled wrong). Before buildings were built with steel, American's had to rely on the Roman columns, domes, and arches. Arches are great for distributing weight so that the building wouldn't collapse in on itself and so are domes. They spread the weight evenly so that you don't have to use massive pillars to hold the building up. But when steel began to be produced, the Roman architechture became more of a decorative thing because steel is a lot stronger and can support more weight.
Sales promotion
- Sales promotion refers to the process of persuading the client to buy certain product. This is done using different marketing tactics.
- Advertising refers, as it can be deducted, to the act of making advertising for certain products.
- Publicity refers to draw attention to certain products through the use of the media.
- Viral marketing is a technique that induces users to pass on information about a product through social media creating a viral reaction.
In the question, Mary Lynn <u>took coupons</u> she had received, she received free <u>samples of food items</u> that she ended up buying and she bought a toothpaste because it came with a <u>free toothbrush</u>. We can see that Mary Lynn is taking advantage of Sales promotion, since she is being persuaded to buy certain products using different tactics (free products, discounts, tasting, etc)
Chuck's symptoms characterize catatonia. Catatonic schizophrenia involves bodily symptoms-stiffness or excessive motor activity and taking of unusual body positions. Person with catatonia can, for example, to stand on one leg for hours without moving, which is to a normal person impossible.
About every 5-6 seconds the patient should be provided ventilations during a respiratory arrest.
A condition known as respiratory arrest is brought on by apnea (cease of breathing) or respiratory malfunction that is so severe that the body cannot support it (such as agonal breathing). A patient with prolonged apnea has ceased breathing for an extended length of time. Respiratory arrest is the term used to describe the circumstance if the heart muscle contraction is unharmed. A sudden halt in pulmonary gas exchange that lasts more than five minutes may irreversibly harm important organs, most notably the brain. Loss of consciousness results from a lack of oxygen to the brain. If respiratory arrest remains untreated for more than three minutes, brain damage is likely, and if it goes untreated for longer than five minutes, death is almost certain.
Learn more about respiratory arrest here: