The best example of hypothesis which leads to new experiment methods was done by Morgan where he used fruit flies.
Thomas Hunt Morgan continues on genetic research which is of Gregor Mendel.
Little Rock is right in the middle of the state so to figure out where the storm will go next you need the direction of the wind
E.coli is a bacterium which is preffered for transformation due to its rapid growth and high efficiency of introduction of DNA molecules into cells.
Tetracycline is an antibiotic used to treat several infections such as cholera, plague, brucellosis, and malaria etcetra.
Plasmid is a small, extrachromosomal DNA molecule present in cell which is seprated from chromosomal DNA and have ability to replicate independently.
When a plasmid resistant to tetracycline and kanamycine is inserted into E.coli, the process is called transformation. E.coli might not be able to survive due to absence of plasmid but the transformed strains having antibiotic tetracycline and kanamycine will probably be able to survive it.
Hence, the culture of bacteria carrying plasmid will be able to survive only.
She must have the resessive trait on both of her chromosomes. Withought them being on both she would be a carrier.