He served to lay the foundation for the evolution of parliamentary
government and subsequent declarations of rights in Great Britain and
the United States. In attempting to establish checks on the king's
powers, this document asserted the right of "due process" of law. By the
end of the 13th century, it provided the basis for the idea of a
"higher law," one that could not be altered either by executive mandate
or legislative acts.
During the Vietnam War the U.S military used the television and photographs as propaganda in order to persuade the people that the war was nothing but a war and the military needed public support to get through it.
Pope Urban ll made the decision to launch the first crusade in 1095. He achieved this by giving a public speech in which he accused the Muslims of many atrocities against the Christians who were living in Jerusalem. One reason, why the Pope decided to launch the first crusade was that, the Byzanthine Emperor has written him a letter asking him for help against the Muslims. The Pope may have made this decision too in order to increase his papacy influence.
The die is cast means an event has happened or a decision has been taken that cannot be changed. It is also a variation of a Latin phrase attributed by Suetonius to Julius Caesar on January 10, 49 BC, as he led his army across the Rubicon river in Northern Italy.
Today, the phrase crossing the Rubicon is an idiom that means to pass a point of no return.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will be judged by their color of their skin but by the content of their character¨ And one day right in the world that we all are black kids are going to join hands with white kids as sisters and brothers i have a dream today