Brown Vs Board of Education sparked debate on civil rights as described in the Constitution.
Roe Vs Wade was about women's right to abortion.
Bush Vs Gore determined who won the election in Florida and ultimately the presidential election.
In the last case, state law in Florida required recount of ballots if the totals were very close. But Gore only requested recounts in four counties. FL Supreme Court ordered a statewide recount instead. US Supreme Court stepped in and ruled that FL court's action violated the Equal Protection Clause in the Constitution by using different standards of counting in different counties. The recount was stopped and Bush won.
Seems like fun.
I can help a little but not all the way, sorry.
I forgot how to label "no way" since it's been five years I last learned this stuff.
Anyways, "ask" is a verb. "Gerald" is a proper noun. The word "to" is a preposition and begins a propositional phase.
Everytime a preposition is used, it has to end with an object of the preposition. In laymen terms, everytime a preposition is used, it will always modify something in the sentence.
The word "to" modifies "go". What does Gerald want to accomplish? He want TO do something. What does he want to do? He wants to go somewhere.
So, "to" is the object of the preposition or what the preposition is modifying. Hopefully, that helps. Good luck!
an overwhelming sensation of peace.