Spunk is short story that was written by Zora Neale Hurston. It was published and became famous.
Spunk is a story of a brown skinned man. He published his story in 1925. This was a literary content and win many prizes. The story of this novel was placed in Southern town. It was look like Eatonville. This is the story of a man who steal wife of a weaker man and her husband take the revenges after the death. Spunk was a giant brown skinned man who is known for his bravery in the town.
The weaker man was Joe Khanty and in Spunk arm it was Joe's wife. Joe take vow that he will take his wife from Spunk face to face in front of town people. Spunk was very arrogantly man as all town people know. Spunk kills Joe. Finally inevitable happen, Spunk falls and got injured. When he felt he would die, he would accept in front town people the death of Joe.