The codename given for that was operation dynamo
The Arab Spring effect food prices because the price of oil sky rocketed. This made shipping and imports of food much more expensive. However, now that oil prices have fallen again the price of food has remained the same.
That was sooo creativvveeee let me hit
The 1 one which is ballad of a teenage queen
It has often been likened to the panels from the Arch of Titus.
The Bayeux Tapestry measuring twenty inches high and almost 230 feet in length commemorates a struggle for the throne of England between William, the Duke of Normandy, and Harold, the Earl of Wessex (Normandy region in Northern France).
In the year 1066 - William invaded and successfully conquered England becoming the first Norman King of England (also known as William the conqueror). The Bayeux Tapestry has survived over nine centuries.
It is likened to the Arch of the Panels Titus that symbolizes the Roman Triumph of an an ancient martial tradition. The Artists of the Arch of Titus depicts Titus in triumph returning from Rome following his capture of Jerusalem.