This means that the tax you owe is less than what you paid for your taxes. Another circumstance is when you are entitled to tax credits. IRS stands of Internal Revenue Service. The circumstance in which you might receive a tax refund from the IRS if you have paid more in taxes than you owed for the year.
a surplus of middle seats and the equilibrium quantity of aisle seats.
Aisle seats are already preferred by people. So, increasing rate of middle seats will make people more attracted towards aisle seats. So, a surplus of middle seats and the equilibrium quantity of aisle seats.
The e-file rejection error for an invalid bank account or routing transit numbers is error code "0019". It might be caused due to a variety of reasons and is present in tax accounting software, where an e-file sent to the IRS is rejected, hence the error name. An incomplete installation might be one of the several reasons behind an e-file rejection error.