Plantations were farms that grew crops harvested by residenti labor. some crops grown on them include rice, corn, coffee, ect
Holiday Inn, Was the movie.
1. Tom is more likely to commit crime than Bill
From studies, it has been shown that there is a genetic susceptibility to engage in criminal activities, studies in the field of criminology and psychology suggest that genes play a role in an individuals tendency to commit a crime.
Based on these scientific findings, since Tom is from a family with history of crime and violent behaviour, there is a higher likelihood that he will engage in crime compared to Jill.
If an area hasn't been made fire safe, The responsible party is ultimately responsible for preventing hot work from taking place before it begins.
“Responsible Person” means a person or entity who manages, controls, or directs the disposition of the entity and the entity's funds and assets, as opposed to a candidate who has little or no authority over the entity's assets. is.
There is a huge amount of case law on this, but basically, if you sign as responsible and the contract defines that the responsible person is responsible for all payments, the guardian or your loved one cannot be a trustee either.
Learn more about responsible parties here