Specifications are the technical details about each hardware component
I would say True but I don't really know a Explanation. but if they have education then they must know more so they get paid more.
The code is given below
The correct syntax would be to place appropriate parenthesis.
Similarly, you can also use the following code:
String[] months = { "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec" };
int month = 1;
String monthDescription = months[month - 1];
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct StudentType{
string studentName;
int studentId;
int n;
char answer[20];
int main(){
cout<< "Enter the size of the array: ";
cin >> n;
StudentType *student = new StudentType(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
int name;
int number;
cin>> name;
cin >> number;
student[i].studentName = name;
student[i].studentId = number;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
cout<< "Enter answers: ";
cin >> ans;
answer[i] = ans;
The C++ source code has three global variables namely, answer which is an array of character data type, StudentType which is a structure data type and the integer variable n. The main function declares and initializes the dynamic-spaced student array of the structure datatype with the n variable.
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