<span><span>English Word Correct Spanish Word Confused With English Translation</span><span><span> actually en realidad actualmente currently</span><span> assist ayudar asistir to attend</span><span> attend asistir atender to attend to</span><span> bizarre extraño bizarro gallant</span><span> carpet alfombra carpeta folder</span><span> choke estrangular chocar to collide</span><span> deception engaño decepción disappointment</span><span> embarrassed avergonzado embarazada pregnant</span><span> exit salida éxito success</span><span> idiom modismo idioma<span> language</span></span></span></span>
Cuvier creía que los animales y las plantas no cambiaron a lo largo de su existencia, que la estructura y la función de los animales y las plantas están estrechamente restringidas, y que cualquier cambio en la estructura y la función conduciría a la extinción de la especie.
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Given equation of the Circle is ,
And we need to tell that whether the point (-4,2) lies inside or outside the circle. On converting the equation into Standard form and determinimg the centre of the circle as ,
Here we can say that ,
• Radius = 5 units
• Centre = (0,0)
Finding distance between the two points :-
Here we can see that the distance of point from centre is less than the radius.
Hence the point lies within the circle.