It depends on the history of colonialism in the area, but a safe bet is Swahili / French and English.
Near the Cote d'Ivoire and Senegal regions the <u>French</u> had influence for many years, so naturally many Africans there speak French.
<u>English</u> is the current language of business and higher education --everyone wants to know English because it's helpful in trade and commerce.
<u>Swahili</u> is a "lingua franca" in East Africa, which means that it's often used as an intermediate for two people who have their own native tongue (say, Yoruba and Igbo).
It would be north america, virgena
I tiik the test
Answer: 1.Powerful president, common man
2.William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass
Some people where for it while other thought that it was a wast of time people back then didn't want Americans to loos people over silly disputes