Fingerprint matching is determined through unique characteristics. To achieve it must have certain ridges. loops and whorls. The characteristic points are then compared to the prints on the system. When forensics finds that there are enough similar matching points, they state whether they are fingerprints in which they match or not.
It is assumed that prints are one hundred percent positive, that is their use is one hundred percent successful with a zero error.
However, the prints are not considered scientific evidence, but it is still a presumption. There is never a hundred percent matching the prints, but just the similarity within the prints.
That region experienced a surplus of food. - the best answer. Nile Valley was located near river Nile in Egypt. It was a flood plain defined like a heaven for farmers. There were perfect conditions for people to grow food and obtain water. The river was flooding created conditions to live like that..
The Epic of Gilgamesh tells the story of a mythological king and a worldwide flood.
Americans turned to religion, America was rippling through global financial markets. Airlines and insurance companies took the hardest immediate hit, and U.S. stock markets initially fell more than 10% in the days after.
Im not sure what was in the story, but I hope this helps you a bit
It is Clause 39 of the Magna Carta that provides for the basis of the fifth amendment in this respect, since this was one of the defining pieces of the Magna Carta, which greatly limited the extent of royal power over citizens.