thoughts of harming a neighbor
A compulsion occurs when you have an inappropriate thought that makes you uncomfortable. Though, it is just a thought, it causes stress to those that have these thoughts.
Modus ponens: Some wars are just. So, pacifism must be false.
Modus tollens: Pacifism is always false. Thus, some wars are just.
Modus ponens: God is in his heaven. Hence, all is right with the world.
Modus tollens: All is right across the world. So, God must be in his heaven.
Modus ponens: Lino has admitted to all the charges. Hence, he must be telling the truth.
Modus tollens: Lino tells the truth. So, he must have admitted to his charges.
Identity moratorium: In psychology, the term "identity moratorium" is described as one of the different identity statuses and is considered as a process in which an individual finds a sense of self. Identity moratorium is known as a period of "active searching" in which an individual search for his or her ethnic, occupational, religious, etc forms of identity to know who the person really is.
In the question above, Janell demonstrates characteristics of identity moratorium.