The TATA box is an alternating sequence of Adenine and Guanine nucleotides that transcription factors bind to. The TATA box is found just before a gene. The transcription factors tell the RNA polymerase where to bind to begin transcription. This ensures the RNA polymerase will know where to start and which gene to transcribe.
Hydroponics way of growing, is way of farming, in which plants are grown in nutrient rich water. So, in Hydroponic growing of sprouts, sprouts get their nutrients from the nutrients supply like liquid fertilizers which are mixed with the water. It is one of the advantage of hydroponic means of growing because, unlike in soil system, the plants root does not have to work hard to get nutrient from underground. The easy availability of nutrients and other condition like water, pH level etc makes plants grow faster are fuller.
Also, advancement of technology have made it possible to prepare built-in hybrid hydroponic system which have multiple ways of delivering nutrient to specific plants.
Carbohydrates, like all organic molecules, always contain carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) atoms. Carbohydrate molecules are characterized by the presence of the atomic grouping H-C-OH, in which the ratio of hydrogen atoms (H) to oxygen atoms (O) is approximately 2:1. Because this ratio is the same as the ratio in water, the name “hydrates of carbon” seems appropriate. Carbohydrates first and foremost function for quick, short-term energy storage in all organisms, including humans.