-Wind doesn’t cost anything so, operational costs are close to zero
-Doesn't pollute the air or create any harmful chemicals
- Visual and noise pollution, they take up space and are very noisy
- Can be harmful to wildlife such as birds
Answer:A) Nitrogen
Explanation: nitrogen cycle ensures the movement of nutrients through the ensures that nitrogen is constantly reused and made available.
Nitrogen gas is available in the atmosphere but plants and animals cannot use it in that must be converted to compounds such as ammonia or nitrate.
It is gotten from the atmosphere during rainfalls where it Is broken down and combines with oxygen to from nitrogen peroxide.
Nitrogen can also be fixated into ammonia by saprophytic bacteria.
Also when plants die their body tissues are broken down to form ammonia.ammonia can be oxidized into nitrates and nitrite which plants can use.
Nitrites can be released back into the atmosphere through denitrifying bacteria and the cycle continues.
Homozygous means having identical piars of genes for any given pair of heredity characteristics.
heterozygous means an individual having two different alleles for a specific trait.
Órgano que forma parte del aparato digestivo. El estómago ayuda a digerir los alimentos al mezclarlos con jugos digestivos convirtiéndolos en líquido diluido.