Judy's next step is to feel stressed if her request for time off on Wednesday and Thursday is not met.
The transactional stress theory, also called the cognitive model, underlines the importance of mental judgment processes for stress: according to this theory, stress reactions result from the relationship between demand and available means. This relationship is, however, mediated by cognitive processes (value judgments and others). Thus, not only external factors can act as stressors, but also internal factors such as values, goals, etc. The model provides for two judgment processes:
- Primary appraisal: where the individual finds himself in a situation of his displeasure (in the case of the above question, Judy cannot meet her boyfriend because of the mismatch of her work.) And looks for ways to adapt the situation so that get more comfortable (In the case above, Judy tries to make her break the same days as her boyfriend's break).
- Secondary appraisal: At this point, the individual evaluates whether his attempt to adapt has had positive or negative results. If the results are positive the individual does not feel stress, if the results are negative, the individual becomes stressed and may experience feelings of anger, sadness, fear, among others.
For this reason, we can conclude that if Judy's request to have Wednesday and Thursday as her days off so she can meet her boyfriend is not granted; she will be stressed.
Matthew 7:15-23
(a)Jesus' point in the teaching?
Jesus talked about the impending judgement day and happenings that will proceed it. He noted that false prophet will arise but they can always be known through their fruits.
(b) relevance of this teaching for other worldviews?
This teaching emphasizes on yielding good fruit and being a good person. In relevance to other worldviews, being good and yielding good fruit will give no room to corrupt practices or deceit.
(c) What does this teaching reveal about Jesus?
Jesus reveals that He is the ultimate judge who will judge all men at the last day according to their deeds
Displacement may refer to multiple concepts in different subjects like physics, electrostatics nautical, or migration, in simple words a displacement is movement between two points.
Position we can find this concept in physics and geometry.
For example:
We can refer a position in yoga, there are different position in this area or a specific place, "the restaurant is in this position", FC Barcelona is in this first position.
Having experienced the same thing in my job, I think the most important reason for taking action after an error is that you did not want for other people to experience the consequences. This is especially true if the job is concerned with people as the direct clients or consumers.