That is because Woodraw Wilson,the US president thought that the 14 points can tackle causes that lead to war.
Here are a few examples:
The alliance system- Alliance system was one of the reason that caused the outburst of World War One(WWI),because the nations would drag one another into the war once attacked as signed to the alliance system.
There was a point that secret diplomacy is not allowed to tackle the problem.
Militarism- Armament race had intensified the nation's will to wage a war with their armies and weapons,fighting for national glory as well as defending themselves.
There are solutions in the 14 points as well,such as the reduction of armaments.
Imperialism- Theses nations were the most likely to wage war for national glory and act irrariinal thus have to be tackled.
Points such as Freedom of the seas in peace and war,removal of international trade barriers were aimed towards the issue.
However,as much as he believed that it could create peace,many weren't practical as they cannot be executed easily among countries,given the interests in conflict.
Hope it helps!
The argument where it states that [the progressives’ successful breach into the U.S. Supreme Court’s “liberty of contract” doctrine came at significant cost] can be witnessed during 1917, wherein during that time, thirty states had limited the working hours of female workers.
Yes because they were good at certain things that some people can't do
They created and nurtured them. Like children, the American colonies grew and flourished under British supervision. Like many adolescents, the colonies rebelled against their parent country by declaring independence. But the American democratic experiment did not begin in 1776. The COLONIES had been practicing limited forms of self-government since the early 1600s.
The great expanse of the Atlantic Ocean created a safe distance for American colonists to develop skills to govern themselves. Despite its efforts to control American trade, England could not possibly oversee the entire American coastline. Colonial merchants soon learned to operate outside British law. Finally, those who escaped religious persecution in England demanded the freedom to worship according to their faiths.
Colonial Governments
Each of the thirteen colonies had a charter, or written agreement between the colony and the king of England or Parliament. CHARTERS of royal colonies provided for direct rule by the king. A COLONIAL LEGISLATURE was elected by property holding males. But governors were appointed by the king and had almost complete authority — in theory. The legislatures controlled the salary of the governor and often used this influence to keep the governors in line with colonial wishes. The first colonial legislature was the VIRGINIA HOUSE OF BURGESSES, established in 1619.
Slavery arrived in North America along side the Spanish and English colonists of the 17th and 18th centuries, with an estimated 645,000 Africans imported during the more than 250 years the institution was legal. But slavery never existed without controversy. The British colony of Georgia actually banned slavery from 1735 to 1750, although it remained legal in the other 12 colonies. After the American Revolution, northern states one by one passed emancipation laws, and the sectional divide began to open as the South became increasingly committed to slavery. Once called a “necessary evil” by Thomas Jefferson, proponents of slavery increasingly switched their rhetoric to one that described slavery as a benevolent Christian institution that benefited all parties involved: slaves, slave owners, and non-slave holding whites. The number of slaves compared to number of free blacks varied greatly from state to state in the southern states. In 1860, for example, both Virginia and Mississippi had in excess of 400,000 slaves, but the Virginia population also included more than 58,000 free blacks, as opposed to only 773 in Mississippi. In 1860, South Carolina was the only state to have a majority slave population, yet in all southern states slavery served as the foundation for their socioeconomic and political order.