The King of Arcadia is angry when Atalanta is born in the story "Atalanta, the Fleet-Footed Huntress" because Atalanta is a girl and the king wanted a son, a child who could take over his majesty.
Answer: D. While "Psalm" argues that the soul continues after death, "Auspex" indicates that time destroys the heart's passions.
The themes in "Psalm of Life" is different from "Auspex" in a sense that Psalm believes that the soul will still leave even if the body dies however Auspex believes that the time totally damages a heart's passion.
It tell either what someone does or where they are from
Thomas Paine's images of the American Revolution that it true today because he said that the nation is composed of different nations. These nationalities are inclined to different kinds and practice of government, but are still one in creating a government on the principles of society and with the rights of men.