A. Liberal democrat
Seeing as democrats fall on the left of the moderate (middle) position that would be your answer.
The Holy Experiment was William Penn's term for the ideal government he established for Pennsylvania in 1681, when he obtained the charter for that colony from King Charles II of England.
Amendment 2 is the right to bear arms.
Amendment 5 is a right to grand jury and protection against self-incrimination.
Answer: A. The Constitution establishes the qualifications for congressional representatives, as well as specific rules for their election.
We have a two-house or "bicameral" legislature. The number of representatives in the House of Representatives are based on each state's population size. In the Senate, each states gets two Senators.
The bicameral legislature plan was devised at the United States Constitutional Convention in 1787. The large population states wanted representation in Congress to be based on a state's population size. The smaller states feared this would lead to unchecked dominance by the big states; they wanted all states to receive the same amount of representation. The "Great Compromise" (as it became known) created a bicameral (two-chamber) legislature. Representation in the House of Representatives would be based on population. In the Senate, all states would have the same amount of representation, by two Senators.
The quoted section in the Constitution (as shown here) lays out the qualifications for House of Representatives members and rules for their election.
Explanation is in the file