Noun in subject noun phrase: boy
noun in verb phrase: bicycle
the word liberated comes from the word liberty which means freedom . so to be liberated means to be set free
I would cite sources from the Newspaper articles;
1. Miami-Dade County Votes to Keep Pit Bulls Out, and
2. Ohio Overturns Pit Bull Bill
In referencing the newspaper article, "Miami-Dade County Votes to Keep Pit Bulls Out", I will cite the example of the vicious attack on an 8-year-old girl named Melissa whose injuries sustained from the attack required several major reconstructive surgeries. Despite the protests by some to repeal the ban, the majority continue to reject the move.
I will also cite the statement by Representative Bruce Goodwin in, "Ohio Overturns Pit Bull Bill". He said, and I quote, "The 'Pit Bull' has the distinction or characteristic that when they grab on, they don't let go." He added, " 'Pit Bulls' are the choice for drug dealers and other bad folks and that is for a reason."
The answer is "The employees can use sign language to communicate with Matt".
In this question, The personnel can interact with Matt via hand signals.Using the hand signals from the above alternatives, the interaction between the matt and other employees would be much more efficient.They could not only matt perform their work wisely with the hand signals, but it also allows him to feel integrated into the social group at the workplace.