The action on this rifle is located in image b.
Good leaders treat everyone the same.
In the story the goatherd treats the wild goats better than his own goats in hopes of enticing them to stay with him and his flock. He gives them more food than his own goats. The Wild Goats see the difference and how he treats the goats that have been with him the longest and refuse to stay. They believe that the goatherd will treat them poorly when they are apart of his flock, so they don't want to stay with him. The goatherd learns that he should've treated everyone equally and then the Wild Goats would've seen the care with which he usually treats his flock and may have chosen differently.
the Washington Monument embodies the awe, respect, and gratitude the nation felt for its most essential Founding Father.
A child hero is a hero that is often depicted as a child or a child-like figure.