Teachers play a significant role in everyone's life. They motivate kids to pursue their dreams and also make them better personalities.
For kids, showing their affection to teachers matter the most. With no doubt, they are ready to do anything to impress their teachers — be it in the form of cards, speech, gifts, chocolates etc.
However, the headache goes to parents as they need to prep their kids for the Teacher’s Day. Most of the parents would be running here and there to train their little one for the celebration.
descent noun (RELATION) [ U ] the state or fact of being related to a particular person or group of people who lived in the past: She's a woman of mixed/French descent. They trace their line of descent back to a French duke.
The correct answer is B.
The men know his name before they have been introduced. They have been watching the chase on TV and have been expecting Montag to show up.
They give him a drink that helps him escape the Hound, and the Hound eventually gets someone else, allowing everyone to think it was Montag.
"So you didn't really go to the skate park?" Liam's father asked him. "Why did you lie about it?"