Keep this little phrase in mind: <u>gold, glory, and God.</u> In that order. The reason the Catholic monarchs Isabella and Ferdinand sponsored Columbus was
- <u>gold.</u> They wanted to get rich off of gold, which would enable them to increase their wealth and trading power as per the economic system of mercantilism.
- <u>glory.</u> They wanted their names to be famous. Two of the islands that Columbus saw were named after the two rulers (Isabela Island and Fernandina).
- <u>God.</u> They were highly Catholic (remember the Spanish Inquisition?) and they wanted to spread that, in theory, to the primitive natives.
The author is trying to invoke a sense of empathy. For one, he discusses how the protestors were being peacefully, showing that they were doing no harm.
He then proceeds to discuss how they were physically hurt for protesting and one was even killed. He uses the term “man of god” to appeal to the readers sense of religion and to make readers feel bad for this individual. Overall, this person is trying to bring to light an injustice that occurred in society.
Networking is basically getting to know your peers/colleagues. It is useful because if you know someone well, you can work better with them.
<h3>The Seven Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill Rights. This amendment codifies the right to a jury trial in certain civil cases and inhibits courts from overturning jury's findings of fact.</h3>