apply oxygen via nonrebreathing mask, start an IV with normal saline, and administer 1 mg of epinephrine 1:10,000 via IV push
What are the choices to choose from ????????
Acute otitis media (AOM) is an ear infection which occurs due to inflammation or infection of the area behind the eardrum known as middle ear.
There are few important guidelines to understand when choosing an
antibacterial agent for Acute Otitis Media stated as below:
1) To identify any history of acute onset, evaluation of signs and symptoms of middle ear inflammation, and signs of middle ear effusion.
2 ) Assessment of pain to recommend any antibacterial agent.
3) Prescription of amoxicillin (antibacterial agent) for most children whose dose should be 80
to 90 mg/kg per day.
4) Selection of different initial antibiotic a temperature greater than or equal to 39 degree Celsius other than amoxicillin .
The most important prerequisite for assessing the quality of health care delivery system is to collect the medical records of the patients admitted and discharged from the hospital.
Change it up a bit <3
It is a vision that is close to normal, if in the optometric revision improves with the use of the pinhole more than three lines, the problem may be of the refractory type; If this is not corrected, it can be concluded that there is a disease.