Income inequality ratio
The income inequality ratio is an incomplete picture because a single number cannot fully reflect the sources of the underlying differences in income.
Income inequality refers to the uneven distribution of income among the population of a particular place. It is the difference in the allocation of income in a particular country.
Income inequality occurs across different segments of the population such as gender(male and female), ethnic group, occupation, geographical location etc.
The Gini index is widely used to compare disparities in income.
Nominal salaries decrease and the short term aggregate goes up to the right.
Companies normally make decisions about the amount of supplies in which they invest according to the profits that they expect to obtain in the future according to the variables of their economic activity. The profits for the company will be also determined by the price of the products or services the company trades and the price of the supplies necessary for such activities.
Paticipative budgets
A budget can be defined as a financial plan which gives an estimate of income and expenditures. A budget is a tool that is utilized by different organisations to manage their resources inorder to achieve their various objectives and goals.
A budget shows the different costs incurred by the organisation within a particular period of time.
Participative budgets is a type of budget in which the low level management of an organization are involved in the preparation of budget. It helps to prevent top managers from unruly behaviours.
Participative budget enables the top level and low level managers to share information that will lead to the growth of the organisation.
a credit unionis a financial institution that is owned and controlled by its members rather than shareholders. The members of the credit union pool their deposits and provide loans and other financial services to each other.