"There is nothing that keeps wicked men at any one moment out of hell, but the meer pleasure of God. By the mere Pleasure of God
, I mean his sovereign Pleasure, his arbitrary Will, restrained by no Obligation, hinder'd by no manner of Difficulty, any more than if nothing else but God's meer Will had in the least Degree, or in any Respect whatsoever, any Hand in the Preservation of wicked Menone Moment." - from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," Jonathan Edwards, 1741 The purpose of Jonathan Edward's sermon as illustrated in this excerpt was to A) unify culturally diverse immigrants promote religious acceptance. B) promote the Christian religion by promoting peace, forgiveness, and unquestioned acceptance. C) provide support for the new cultures coming to the new world and the cultural blending that is taking place. D) warn or remind his congregation that the nation as a whole must repent their sins and ask forgiveness from God to escape hell.
D) Warn or remind his congregation that the nation as a whole must repent their sins and ask forgiveness from God to escape hell.
Christian Theologian Jonathan Edwards’ sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" presents an appeal to the people of Massachusetts to deviate from their sinful nature and come back to the right and "Christian" way of life. This sermon successfully and profoundly affected the listeners, the congregation with Edwards's 'frightful' presentation of an angry God.
In the given excerpt from the sermon, Edwards presents an image of a God who is fearful of those who choose to deviate from His right ways. In this sermon, Edwards serves a reminder to the people to <u>repent their sinful ways and return to God</u>, or else their fate is to be destroyed and perish eternally in Hell. He warns them to <u>seek forgiveness</u> while there is still time so that they will not be judged by God's wrath.
Salutary neglect is the policy by the British whereby strict enforcement of parliamentary laws, especially trade laws, meant to keep British colonies obedient to England, in the 18th century are avoided. It is non-deliberate policy.