The different between break and continue instruction is that with break you exit the loop, and with continue you skip to the next iteration.
So, for example, a loop like
for(i = 1; i <= 10; i++){
if(i <= 5){
} else {
will print 1,2,3,4,5, because when i=6 you will enter the else branch and you will exit the loop because of the break instruction.
On the other hand, a loop like
for(i = 1; i <= 10; i++){
if(i % 2 == 0){
} else {
Will print 2,4,6,8,10, because if i is even you print it, and if i is odd you will simply skip to the next iteration.
The managers at Peter’s company have an Autocratic environment.
The managers who are autocratic in nature make decisions on their own. They will never get insights of their employees and they will not take the inputs of them in taking any decisions. This type of management is suitable in an organisation where there is an urgent need to taking decisions to any matter.
Managers who are autocratic in nature will make decisions without consulting anyone's advice. This type suits those organisations wherein there are very less number of employees. Here, the manager of Peter did not consulted peter in making decisions related to him, the environment is authoritarian or autocratic.
Different video files and operating system versions can cause compatibility issues to arise between computer systems.
Since, file formats and operating systems may not be compatible with each other. For example, earlier versions of Windows may not be able to play certain types of video files due to the codecs used to encode them.
<h3>Importance of compatibility between operating system computer systems</h3>
Compatibility between operating systems is important because it allows different computer systems to interact and share resources. This includes sharing of programs, files, and data.
Compatibility also allows users to access applications and services on different platforms. It also enables efficient use of hardware and software resources, as well as efficient use of resources in a network. Compatibility also ensures that computer systems can communicate with each other and can access the same resources. Without compatibility, it would be difficult for computer systems to interact with each other.
What are two compatibility issues that may arise between computer systems while transferring presentations? (Fill in the blank).
Different video files and _____ can cause compatibility issues to arise between computer systems.
Learn more about Compatibility between operating systems:
#accepting input from user
n=int(input("Enter a number: "))
#entered number is stored in a temporary variable
#initializng required variables
#digits are reversed inside while loop
#original number and its reverse are compared
#if equal, it's a palindrome
print("It is a Palindrome")
#if not equal, it's not a palindrome
print("It is not a Palindrome")