Granite changes into sandstone by means of weathering and erosion. Through the passage of time, fragments of granite are broken down into smaller pieces, or sediments, which are transported and deposited at the bottom of the oceans or rivers. These particles form layers of sand and pebbles that undergo compaction and cementation to create sandstone.
there were several important cities that came into being as centers of trade and religion, such as Mecca, Medina (Yathrib), Karbala, and Damascus.
Modern and past data models.
- In order to understand the earth and its climatic patterns, we need to have a deeper understanding of how the system of the earthworks and for that six spheres provides us with an adequate amount of information for documentation of climate change.
- The direct sources of data are modern climatic records and the indirect is the past and old climatic data that ay or may not be connected directly.
Thiruvananthapuram should be the capital