Mark Twain was fond of condemning lying by saying, "If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything."
Quotations are usually used with a colon after a sentence. However, they can also be introduced with a comma when there is an introductory phrase before it, such as <em>by saying</em>. On the other hand, when the quotation is introduced in the sentence, the comma is not necessary, like the first sentence.
uh they are all Navajo and they speak the same language?
When cases are super high: remote on Zoom
When cases are decreasing: Extreme social distancing with masks and half the school going one week and the other half remote. Then, the two groups would switch the next week, so the in-person group would go remote and the remote group would go in person.
Answer: They're surrounded by this crazy orchestra – the wind in the trees, the thunder in the ... And these little spadefoot toads right before them are leading the symphony. ... When his father takes a new job in Massachusetts, Ben Moroney must leave.